Angkor Ticket Office

Angkor Ticket Office
Clients: Angkor Ticket Office
Date: 01/03/2022


The Angkor Ticket Office is the exclusive point of purchase for entrance tickets to the Angkor Archaeological Park. Established to facilitate tourism in the region, the office plays a crucial role in preserving and promoting one of Cambodia’s most significant historical sites.


In 2022, the Angkor Ticket Office introduced QR code payment via Alipay and WeChat Pay. This feature not only modernizes the ticket purchasing process but also provides a convenient and secure payment option for tourists, particularly those from regions where these platforms are widely used.

Payment Methods

The Angkor Ticket Office supports WeChat and Alipay as payment methods. The addition of these popular platforms caters to a broader range of tourists and enhances the overall visitor experience by offering familiar and trusted payment options. This initiative aligns with the global trend towards cashless transactions, particularly in the tourism industry.
